Sometimes Parenting Sucks!

I named this site for my oldest son. He had just got his temps when I first started this blog. Well, I have not written anything for a while….mainly because that child has been a major pain in the ass. Aren’t parenting blogs all about expertise? What if your kid is majorly screwed up? What do you blog about then? The top ten ways to screw up your kid?

Ok, Ok, I admit. I am a tad bit upset…it is 4:23 AM and I have no idea where my 16-year-old son is. And the roads are bad. I want to beat the crap out of him and hug him all at the same time! I cannot go into the how and why of all of this right now. I am too upset.

Needless to say we have been out all night searching, we have called and texted him and all of his friends….we just don’t know what to do. I am freaking out…I am on the verge of calling the police…but then he would have a record as a runaway….do I really want that? Is he running away?

It is now 4:31 AM. He is still not home, and I have contacted all of his friends. Most of them have gotten back to me…the few that haven’t are suspected as well….their parents don’t really seem to know what is going on either….
He was supposed to take his driving test tomorrow…that is not happening. I have received a few cryptic texts from his phone….but he will not call me…this is going to be a rough night

I suck at parenting.

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