Hip Twinges And Running Rhythm

It’ a gorgeous day outside—around 70 degrees, sun shining, light breeze—perfect for a nice long run.  And I am totally pissed off about that.  Why?  Because I somehow managed to hurt my hip and it is painful to run.  I noticed a little twinge late last week.  The twinge has now turned into actual pain and occasional limping.  Oh, I have no one to blame but myself.  I should have taken a few days off from running when I first noticed the twinge.  But I was afraid that it might mess with my rhythm.  Fearful that any break in my routine would lead to excuses (one more day off won’t hurt or I’ll start up again next week) that would result in the entire summer passing by without me running again.  So I kept pushing myself.   

I started running about a month and a half ago after a three year hiatus.  It has been slow going–I am not breaking any records.  I started by alternating running and walking.  I would walk for a quarter of a mile, then run an eighth of mile, increasing the amount of time running and decreasing walking distance a little every day.  Keeping track of time and distance using the Nike + GPS  app on my phone has brought out the competitive side in me—always pushing a little harder, running a little faster than the day before. Overcoming a major mental and physical hurdle two weeks ago and running a solid mile before having to walk made me feel like Lynn Jennings.  Getting to a 10 minute mile (I wasn’t kidding about not breaking any records!) and working up to a 5-mile run have become my new goals.  And then last week, the twinge. 

The twinge which has led to me sitting on the couch, watching House and praying I will be able to run by the end of the week.  And that’s how I know this little setback won’t ruin my running rhythm.  I am not secretly relieved that I cannot run, hoping one week will turn into two.  I am really freakin’ annoyed about it, knowing I am missing some great weather.  I guess I have overcome more that one hurdle! 

 Now I just needs some new shoes, because these ones are ready for retirement. 

Losing It! (10 Pounds, That Is!)

This winter I finally got to the point where I just could not take it anymore.  I had to lose some weight.   I know I am not huge, but I was just uncomfortable.  My energy level was down and the size of my clothes was going up.  One day at work I actually got winded walking up and down the stairs carrying a box full of patient charts.  Down Stairs! With Charts! Winded!  Ughhh!  Pretty disgusted with the pudge, I decided to embark on a plan to be Fit & Fabulous at Forty.  I thought I’d share some things that are working:

1.  Writing down everything I eat.  I am a grazer–I grab a handful of this, a handful of that–never really being satisfied or feeling full.  Writing it down forced me keep track of those handfuls.  They were adding 500 to 600 hundred calories a day.

2.  Using a smaller plate.  I use a salad plate for my dinner entrée.  Sure, my kids tease me with clever witticisms such as, “Where is your spork and Sponge Bob plate mom?”  But it works!

3.  Taking my own lunch to work.  This has been a challenge since drug representatives  bring catered lunches in three times a week.  On those days I bypass the lunchroom and sit at the picnic table outside or in my car.  Normally I take a piece of fruit and a granola bar or yogurt. 

4.  Eating throughout the day.  It has taken me nearly 40 years to figure out that I cannot starve myself all day long!  It just triggers an eating binge later in the day.  I have become one of those geeks with the cereal bars in her purse.  

 4.  Exercising every day.   We live in Ohio and getting outside to walk or run is nearly impossible in the winter.  I felt guilty going to the gym (too much time away from my family).  So I started exercising at home.  EA Active Sports 2 for Wii has been my workout of choice indoors.  It sets up a workout schedule for you with a different routine everyday (Thank goodness, I get bored with exercise videos after about a week!).   I still use it on days when I can’t get out to walk-run!

4.  Weighing myself regularly.  Getting on the scale sucks, so I only do it once a week.  Weighing myself buck naked first thing in the morning is imperative!  That morning cup of coffee could add two pounds!  Vowing not let the number on the scale make or break my day, I hop on and face the music.  The scale keeps me honest (to myself at least), and let’s me know whether or not I am on the right track.

5.  Setting small, reachable goals.  I started working out 15 to 20 minutes a day, adding 5 minutes a week until I reached 60 minutes a day.  Well…pin a rose on my nose!

6.  Forgiving myself for slip-ups.  Sometimes I just really want a brownie.  It does not mean that I am a colossal failure, that I will never lose weight, or that I have no self-control.  It just means brownies are really good!  I have the power….Gosh Darnitt…not the food!

Ten pounds down, 8 more (six on a super skinny day!) to reach my goal!  Now….I just have to figure out how to reward my future skinny self.  Any ideas?